The Lowdown on Language Training

I haven’t seen a ton of info on language training out in the blogosphere, so I thought I’d give my take. Funny side note – months ago, I had originally titled this post “Why Language Training Rocks.” I then abandoned writing it, because I was too busy, and I laughed upon picking it back up and realizing that there was no way I would title this post that anymore. My view of language training has changed a bit from “it rocks!” to…well…”it has its benefits?”

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Home Leave Planning

We have officially hit the “less than 2 months left at post” mark, which means we are pretty much in full speed ahead mode with trying to finalize everything before our packout in July. Part of this means tidying up all of the planning for our home leave, which is the 4 weeks of time off that we get to go visit family and friends before we head to DC to start training.

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One Year In

Yesterday was our one-year anniversary in London. Woop woop! We spent some time throughout the day reminiscing about what we were doing at that particular point in the day one year ago. It ended up going something like, “oh, we were sleeping still.” “Aahh, remember we were heading to the pub down the road and met a bunch of people from the embassy?” And so on. It’s been quite a year, but things are beginning to normalize after the craziness of getting settled here, doing non-stop wedding planning, finding a job, both of us getting settled in our jobs, actually having the wedding, going on the honeymoon, and finally getting back here to resume life as “normal.” After we got back from the honeymoon, we kind of sat there for a second, looked at each other and said, ok, now we can actually start living a somewhat normal life. Phew.

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