Home Leave Planning

We have officially hit the “less than 2 months left at post” mark, which means we are pretty much in full speed ahead mode with trying to finalize everything before our packout in July. Part of this means tidying up all of the planning for our home leave, which is the 4 weeks of time off that we get to go visit family and friends before we head to DC to start training.

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Plannin’ Fools

So I’ve taken radio silence to an all new level. Sorry about that.

Fall has arrived here in the UK, and it’s been really pleasant so far. The weather has been great, and we’ve been enjoying ourselves and enjoying the city. We had two of my besties come visit for a week, and it was wonderful to have them. We walked for about 3 days straight. Exhausting, but fun and always the best way to see a city. It also decided not to rain for the whole week, so that was a huge bonus.

Hi friends!

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